2016 Chinese Horoscope : General Luck of Goat Horoscope

Born in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991

General luck of Goat Horoscope in 2016
There are many auspicious stars gathering in your life chart. This year, Goat Zodiac's fortune is pretty stable. But there are some setbacks in your business operations. More efforts are required to resolve all the issues before a breakthrough will occur. Check all the legal documents thoroughly to avoid any legal issues in the future. Pay more attention to your health. For married couples, they will have strong disagreements. Both parties must work towards improving the relationship to prevent any third party in the marriage.

Luck is stable but you will be embroiled in relationship issues. Try to keep a low profile. At work, progress will be sluggish. More effort is required for breakthrough. Find new opportunities to penetrate into new markets through business contacts. Be wary of your actions and speech to avoid any misunderstanding that will foil your big plans. For working individuals, they will need to look out for despicable people waiting to create havoc. Maintain your normal performance at work, reward and recognition will come to your naturally.

Health condition requires your attention. You should go for medical checkup. Pay attention to food hygiene and prevent against infectious diseases. Be relaxed and do not fall sick due to constant overwork. Avoid water activities when traveling overseas. For singles, they may have difficulty find their ideal partner. For married couples, they will have to work on stabilizing each other feelings.

Goat Zodiac Monthly Forecast

1st Solar Month (4/2/16 - 4/3/16)
This year fortune is much better than last year. However, luck have yet turn favorable this month. There will be a fluctuation of luck. Many plans cannot be carried out smoothly and it is better to put them on hold. It is important to know who are your friends and foes. Do not be taken in by them. Wealth luck is poor so you should not put too much hope on windfall gains. There will be a lot of socializing this month due to the festive season and you should watch your diet to prevent digestive ailment from recurring.

2nd Solar Month (5/3/16 - 3/4/16)
There are many inauspicious star gathering include Bing Fu Star. You should pay extra attention to your health this month. If you are feeling unwell, you should seek medical help immediately. For business owner, they will face obstacles and setbacks. Adapt to the ever changing environment. As wealth luck diminished, there will be no windfall luck. You will suffer great loss if you invest. As love luck is not favorable, you will not be able to meet your ideal partner.

3rd Solar Month (4/4/16 - 4/5/16)
This month, luck is picking up and your fortune is excellent. Previous month ill luck and misfortune have been dispelled. Good luck ensues. You should pick up all stalled plans and bring into action immediately. Business progress will be smooth. There will be benefactor coming to your aid. For working class, they should be practical and realistic. Focus on your work and avoid gossips. Wealth luck is strong and income will come from all directions. You should save up your money. Health condition is showing improvement.

4th Solar Month (5/5/16 - 4/6/16)
This month's luck takes a dip. For business owner, business performance is poor. There will be personnel disputes that may turn ugly. You should handle the situation quickly and come up with a precise strategy to deal with it. As wealth luck fluctuates greatly, you should not make huge investments. Watch out your expenses by setting up a budget. For married couples, they will be plagued with frequent quarrels and disagreements. You should handle it with care or there will be a change of hearts and breakup.

5th Solar Month (5/6/16 - 6/7/16)
This month's fortune is excellent. Business activities is doing extremely well and there will be an influx of revenue. Seize the opportunities to go into expansion and you will make big progress. There will be personnel issues that are still hanging in the balance and you should settle them quickly. For working individuals, they should work on improving their relationships with others so as to path their career prospects. It is a favorable month for investment but do not be greedy. Ideal partners will appear within the circle of friends. Start your pursue.

6th Solar Month (7/7/16 - 6/8/16)
There will be plenty of business opportunities. Revenue from business dealings is plentiful. Personnel disputes have finally eased. You should channel your energy to business expansion and venture into new markets. For working individuals, they should continue to foster good relationships with others. Have a positive and wide social network. Love relationship will see positive progress. As there are many business social gatherings, you should cut down on drinking and sex so as not to ruin your health.

7th Solar Month (7/8/16 - 6/9/16)
This month, luck changes suddenly. Businesses will run into numerous setbacks. Many projects will be delayed due to many unexpected complications. Do not be discouraged and take time to calm down and observe the situation calmly, observe the situation closely through careful analysis. For working individuals, they will discover many hidden problems that will surface. You should correct them promptly. Take care of your health and take preventive actions against acute infectious diseases. If you are feeling unwell, please medical treatment immediately. Love relationships will encounter sudden changes.

8th Solar Month (7/9/16 - 7/10/16)
There will be no changes for the first half of the month. Use this time to plan and strategise your business for the future. Draw on collective wisdom and listen to advice and ideas from bosom friends. Personnel issues will return in the second half of the month. Do not be flustered by the sudden chaos, try to give way to avoid troubles. Health is showing improvement. You should stay vigilant on road safety. At home, pay extra attention to household safety of children and elderly.

9th Solar Month (8/10/16 - 6/11/16)
This month, luck is low and business sales are not ideal. It seems that business activities have slowed down. You should wait patiently for things to turn around. Take care of your health. You should be wary of vile people stirring up trouble. Pay immediate attention to settle personnel issues, then take extra care to nurse your health. Spend wisely. As long as you know where your potential money problems are, you can control your finances.

10th Solar Month (7/11/16 - 6/12/16)
This month, luck is favorable and all previous ill luck have dissipate. Your should seize the opportunity to turn things around and your hard-work will pay off. As wealth luck is excellent, have a diversified investments and returns will be abundant. Success rate is high if you partner with close friends on their proposals. For working individuals, you will have to showcase your strengths to get the recognition by your superiors. Avoid drinking and smoking as they are harmful to your body.

11th Solar Month (7/12/16 - 4/1/17)
This month, luck is full of ups and down. You should be steadfast and persistent and proceed gradually with caution. Do not be rash and impulse as there will be vile people trying to stir up trouble causing those in the same industry or customers to misunderstand. Stay away from raw food to prevent food poisoning. Wealth luck is not good. Do not gamble or invest. Love relationships will experience lots of changes, maintain it with tender care.

12th Solar Month (5/1/17 - 2/2/17)
The year is coming to an end but obstacles still persist. Business progress is sluggish and tiresome with no positive outcome. Work environment is depressing. you should take the time to research for possible solutions and gather support from within the company to tide over the crisis. It is not a good time for working individuals to switch jobs or careers. Wealth luck is turbulent. You should guard against frauds and scam. Love relationships often end without reason.

About Mister R

Ryan Lim.