2016 Chinese Horoscope : General Luck of Horse Horoscope

Born in 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990

General luck of Horse Horoscope in 2016
This year, there are many inauspicious stars gathering in your life chart. As such, Horse zodiac's fortune will fluctuate up and down like a roller coaster.  There will be unexpected complications in your work. Always remain calm and observe the situation. Take the appropriate action at the right time. For working individuals, it is important to upgrade your skill set to add value to your organization. For students, they should put in extra effort to avoid your results from sliding.

Keep a lookout for new opportunities to go into new business ventures or business expansion. Otherwise, you will spend twice the effort but only reap half of the rewards. For business owner, they will encounter personnel disputes plus strong competitions from competitors. It is important to keep calm and handle both internal and external challenges. Observe the situation closely and seize the right opportunity to strike. Do not act on impulse. Be careful of your actions and words during business dealing or all your efforts will go to waste.

This year, health condition is not ideal for horse zodiac especially towards the end of the year. You will be succumb to illness. Seek medical treatment as soon as you are not feeling well. Emotions will be high and down. You should learn to exercise control on your emotional state towards your family and loved ones. Do not be arrogant and domineering as it may result in your family and friends to give up on you. The outcome will only be loneliness.

Horse Zodiac Monthly Forecast

1st Solar Month (4/2/16 - 4/3/16)
This year is not an auspicious year for you. However, during this festive month, everything will proceed as normal with some obstacles along your way. Everything will be resolved after several attempts. For business owners who wishes to expand their business or enter into new ventures, they should have a proper plan and research done followed by observing the market conditions before executing your plans. For love luck, relationship will be put to test. As long as both parties are determined, no third parties will be able to ruin the relationship. You should not invest as your wealth luck is dim.

2nd Solar Month (5/3/16 - 3/4/16)
This month is a good month for the horse zodiac. Fortune is soaring and it is a good month for business expansion or starting a new ventures. Followed up on unfinished tasks that were stalled previously and complete them. For entrepreneurs, this is a good month to seize the opportunities. Health condition is good. At home, you should pay more attention to the safety of the elderly. As wealth luck changes greatly, your incoming wealth will be doubly prosperous. You should be prudent in managing your wealth. Keep in mind that if you spend extravagantly will only cause your money to deplete faster than accumulating.

3rd Solar Month (4/4/16 - 4/5/16)
As this month's luck is unstable, you will encounter many obstacles that will hinder your progress. All you can do is to remain patient. Always be on high alert and law bidding. Do not be tempted by unlawful means for quick money. For working individuals, they will be surrounded by despicable people. Do not simply listen to other people's advice as it may cause your downfall. Do not be guarantor or lend money to others. You may feel despondent and be easily agitated. Take control of your temper especially towards your loved ones. Frequent arguments will hurt feelings.

4th Solar Month (5/5/16 - 4/6/16)
This month, luck starts to improve and gloominess dispelled. For business owner, business progress is smooth and business avenues are strengthened with opportunities arising everywhere. It is beneficial for traveling. Avoid any water activities. For working individuals, they should be self-reliant and should not brag about your work performance. You will end up shooting yourself in the foot. Be wary of vile people which may land you into lawsuits. Health condition is good. As wealth luck improves so does spending. Be frugal and do not overspend.

5th Solar Month (5/6/16 - 6/7/16)
Everything will be smooth this month. However, you will have problems with human resources. Resolve them as soon as possible. Competitors may make use of the opportunity to intervene. For working class, they must not get involved in other people's affair. Keep a low profile. As wealth luck is lacking, you should be more prudent in managing your wealth as there will be unexpected expenditure. You may feel despondent and your emotions are unsettled and you feel somewhat lonesome.

6th Solar Month (7/7/16 - 6/8/16)
At work, obstacles faced will be resolved but personnel disputes is still a concern causing the atmosphere at work to be tensed. For business owner, progress is not smooth. You should try to work on interpersonal relations and it will be advantageous in your business dealings. There will be a slight increase in your main income. But there will be no windfall luck. As for love luck, you should try to resolve all relationship matters rationally and practically and do not be wishy washy as it will only cause misunderstanding and worsen the situation. For health luck, you should control your diet to avoid indigestion.

7th Solar Month (7/8/16 - 6/9/16)
Luck for this month is average and business operations will be normal. You should let nature takes it course. Always remain calm and composed and observe the market conditions in order to have an alternative plans. For working individuals, they have be wary of wolves in sheep skin. You may fall prey to the schemers' traps if you are not careful. Wealth luck improves this month but you still need to save up for rainy days. Health condition is good but relationship issues will cause you to be frustrated and worried. Resolve issues rationally.

8th Solar Month (7/9/16 - 7/10/16)
Luck is gradually improving and more opportunities is in sight. This will help you to increase your business activities. By socializing and networking, you will be able to broaden your business progress. For working individuals, you will feel that your unreserved commitment seems to fall short and goes unnoticed. Wait patiently for your opportunities. This month, there is a high probability of injury so do not participate in risky activities. Diversify your business portfolio so that you do not lose all at one go. For elderly, there will be recurrence of old ailments.

9th Solar Month (8/10/16 - 6/11/16)
This month, luck is flourishing. All the obstacles faced previously will be resolved. For business owner, business operations are smooth sailing and you will enjoy unexpected increase in revenue. Make use of your creativity in the business arena and you will be very successful. For working individuals, good work performance will earn the recognition from your superiors. There will be news of promotion by year end. As wealth luck is excellent, income is bountiful and it is favorable for investments. Love relationships are improving too though it is not as passionate but there is improvement.

10th Solar Month (7/11/16 - 6/12/16)
This month, luck takes a nose diver and you will encounter many unexpected obstacles. Even though the issue might be easily solve but after repeated trials, obstacles still exist. As such, you will have to be very careful with your words and action. Do not trust others easily and stay firm in your decision making. For working individuals, they will need to be cautious of traps set by vile people. Do not be swayed by rumors. Health condition is weak due to anxiety and worries at work. You should try to take things easy. For relationship, you will have to let nature take its course.

11th Solar Month (7/12/16 - 4/1/17)
This month, luck fluctuates and business progress is stagnant. Personnel dispute is still the cause. As a result, many projects are being held back. Always remain composed and find out the root problem and resolve them. There will be no breakthrough in your love luck. Health condition is getting better but attention is still required. Main income is stable. Manage your finances and do not spend unless necessary and you will not have any financial problems.

12th Solar Month (5/1/17 - 2/2/17)
Many inauspicious stars have gathered and lucky stars present seems to be ineffective against them. You will need to be mentally prepared. Personnel disputes from previous month is still unresolved. You will need to put in more effort to settle the issues. Gather support to face adversity. The best policy is to pacify internal issues before resisting external forces. This month, health condition worsen. You should get enough rest. At home, pay more attention to the safety of young children. Wealth luck is weak so do not spend unless necessary. Relax and stay positive.

About Mister R

Ryan Lim.