2016 Chinese Horoscope : General Luck of Monkey Horoscope

Born in 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992

General luck of Monkey Horoscope in 2016
This year, there are many inauspicious stars gathering in your life chart as your are in conflict with the Tai Sui. This year, you will encounter many setbacks and obstacles. You should avoid quarrels and disagreements. You will likely to encounter legal issues.  At work, you should not make decisions or take actions alone. There will be outflow of wealth and it will be difficult to accumulate. Manage your finances wisely. There will be high chances of getting injured. Be careful with road safety. There will be no luck in getting into love relationship. 

This year, it will be full of obstacles. You should be alert on all matters and continue to work hard and avoid any arguments or disputes. It is advisable to draw on collective wisdom and gather support to get things done. For business owner, you should always communicate with your employees as well as new and old acquaintances in the business network. Do not let the benefactors slipped by. There will be benefactors that will aid you at the end of the year. For working individuals, they should use their innate wisdom to increase their professional value. There will be mentors who will help in your career advancement. For students, they will shine in their studies and results will improve tremendously.

Due to the presence of the Jian Feng Star, there will be unavoidable casualty. You should not get into a fight and you will need to be extra careful on the roads. Avoid speeding and do not engage in risky activities like scaling heights. Take note when handling sharp objects. This year, you will be easily agitated and lack of tolerance which may cause unhappiness and desertion. You should control your temper or else lonesomeness is the only outcome.

Monkey Zodiac Monthly Forecast

1st Solar Month (4/2/16 - 4/3/16)
This year, Monkey Zodiac clashes with the Tai Sui so fortune will be unfavorable. This month, luck is unfavorable and gloomy so do not make any rash moves. You should put all your plans on hold and wait for a better time to execute it. For working class, you should continuously upgrade yourself to boost your professional value and add value to your organization. There is no windfall luck so do not gamble or make any investment. Health condition is good but you should be vary of injuries due to falls. As for relationship luck, there are plenty of friends but there is no sign of your ideal one.

2nd Solar Month (5/3/16 - 3/4/16)
This month, lucks takes a sudden dives. For business owner, business activities have slowed and comes to a halt. For working individuals, they will feel pressure at work as vile people are causing trouble and triggering much frustrations. In a relationship to last, you should always trust and support your partner. Sweet words and flattery are only temporary solutions. Wealth luck is average, you should save up to avoid any financial crisis. Pay attention to food hygiene. Excessive consumption of raw food or seafood makes you suspectible to food poisoning.

3rd Solar Month (4/4/16 - 4/5/16)
This is a good month for Monkey Zodiac to expand your business or to switch jobs. Luck is beaming and you will be able to receive much help. Make use of the opportunity to make huge progress. In the middle of the month, you will encounter a friend of the opposite sex who might turn out to be your ideal partner. You should step up your pursuit. Wealth luck is prosperous, naturally there will be incoming of wealth from various sources. Invest wisely. There will be frequent unexpected revenue. For active young individuals, they will have to guard against injuries from falls.

4th Solar Month (5/5/16 - 4/6/16)
This month, luck is turning dark and gloomy. You should move every step cautiously. Business can still progress smoothly when fortune becomes stable. In gloomy times, you should tread carefully, false appearances you encounter at work may lead you to suffer a setback. Be alert at all times. For working individuals, they should not simply see things on the surface. As there is no windfall luck, you should not gamble or invest. You may feel lonely or desolated due to poor relationship with people. You should change it.

5th Solar Month (5/6/16 - 6/7/16)
Luck remains gloomy. You will expected unexpected situations.Work and wealth luck are accompanied by danger. Be it investments or company accounts, always exercise additional care and diligence. You should carry out periodic checks so as to uncover loop holes and address those issues. For working individuals, they will have to be self-reliant and exercise extra caution when handling documents. Try not to make mistakes. As for love luck, just let nature take its course.

6th Solar Month (7/7/16 - 6/8/16)
This month, your fortune starts to turn positive. However, there are still numerous setbacks which have yet been resolved. You will only see improvements after the first half of the year. Obstacles at work will be resolved gradually. Be patient. Monitor your own safety and keep away from dangerous situations. Control your temper and swallow your anger to avoid getting into arguments that can lead to disastrous outcome. As wealth luck is average, you can make some small bets for leisure. Be forbearing towards your loved ones.

7th Solar Month (7/8/16 - 6/9/16)
Lucky stars are shining upon you. Setbacks encountered previously are all resolved. For business owners, business activities are increasing and there will be a great chance of achieve greater goals. This is a favorable month to venture out or do diversified investments. The returns will be promising. For working individuals, they will receive aid from benefactors and get recognition for their work performance. However, you should not be arrogant as it will only make others jealous of you. This month, you will have the opportunity to reunion with friends who have been away for many years.

8th Solar Month (7/9/16 - 7/10/16)
Lucky is not as good as last month but it is still considered as prosperous. For business owner, businesses are on track with sales volume maintained and there is an increase of customers. It is best to let nature takes its course in the current period. As wealth luck is not good, you should not gamble or invest. Health condition is also not ideal so you should pay attention to your diet. In relationship, there are ups and downs so you will need to be more understanding and quarrel less.

9th Solar Month (8/10/16 - 6/11/16)
This month, luck takes a dip and work progress will be delayed. Business activities and partial plans are slowed to a halt. During this period, you should keep a low profile. Do not get into any arguments. You should do your best to resolve any pointless personnel disputes. As wealth luck is bad, you should always be vigilant against unexpected incidents which may cause you to lose money. Do not be guarantor or take up any loans. This month, there is likelihood of getting injured so you will need to be extra careful when handling sharp tools.

10th Solar Month (7/11/16 - 6/12/16)
There are no improvement in luck. You will face strong competitions from competitors and you should focus all your energy to deal with it calmly. There will be vile people stirring up trouble behind your back. For working individuals, they should improve interpersonal relation with others. Avoid any disagreements or clashes with others as it is unfavorable towards your personal fortune. Health status is average. Wealth luck is bad, next month will be better.

11th Solar Month (7/12/16 - 4/1/17)
This month, fortune is turning favorable, reversing the course of events. All obstacles and setbacks will be eliminated. There will be an increase in sales revenues. Work with your partners to plan and strategize for next year's progress. There will be a huge change in wealth luck. Influx of riches via mainstream income and windfall. Luck love is also coming your way. You should pay attention to your diet and lifestyle and be thrifty. Be alert against digestive ailments.

12th Solar Month (5/1/7 - 2/2/17)
This year, most of the months are bad. It is important that you remains firm in your position. Always be rational and have backup plans for unexpected changes. Be on guard for damaging disputes. Love relationship is like an illusion and unattainable. Wealth luck fluctuates. Manage your finances wisely. Save up for rainy days. For elderly, they should remember to go for health checks.

About Mister R

Ryan Lim.