2016 Chinese Horoscope : General Luck of Rooster Horoscope
Born in 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981,1993
General luck of Rooster Horoscope in 2016
Last year was a bad year for the Rooster Zodiac. In 2016, fortune for Rooster Zodiac is prosperous. Things change for the better and there are many great opportunities for you to work on. Mainstream income is abundant but windfall luck is less favorable. For married couples, relationship is harmonious and you should pay attention to household safety of children and guard against digestive ailments.
It is a bright and auspicious year with great career development for the Rooster Zodiac. It is also the right year to venture into entrepreneurship. There will be many delightful surprises within the year. Fame and fortune plus many new friends enable business deals to go smoothly plus open up new business avenues. Career advancement is a breeze. But keep in mind that you should not be arrogant or else it will attract jealousy from others. There will be unscrupulous sneak attacks from vile people which is unavoidable. For working individuals, they will have to safeguard their own interests.
There is a vast improvement in health condition. You should continue to pay attention to your daily lifestyle and diet. Do not neglect your health for the enjoyment of eating. Consume more nutritious food. For the young, they should avoid eating raw or not properly prepared food for food of food poisoning. For girls, they should not be taken in by sweet words. Falling in love is easy but do not be immersed in lust. Once consumed by lust, there may be endless regrets.
Rooster Zodiac Monthly Forecast
1st Solar Month (4/2/16 - 4/3/16)
This year's fortune changed radically and lucky stars shine brilliantly. You should seize the opportunities to invest and expand your business or start new venture. Business will be bustling and progress is untroubled. you will be expecting several unexpected surprising windfall. Your ideal partner may be among one of the many friends who are around you. For love luck, your relationship with him or her will progress rapidly if you are successful in courtship. As wealth star is on your side, main income and windfall gains are in abundance.
2nd Solar Month (5/3/16 - 3/4/16)
This month, luck is lacking and you will encounter some obstacles. If you handle these issues calmly and rationally you will be able to be on track. A strong opponent will appear. For working individuals, workload is hectic and you will be able to complete your tasks on time and earning the praise from superiors. Love luck is favorable but do not immerse yourself in love. Work and career should be of equal importance. As wealth luck is poor, you may lose some money during middle of the month.
3rd Solar Month (4/4/16 - 4/5/16)
This month is an auspicious month. There are plenty of opportunities in work and at business. You will be facing stiff competition and you should make use of the challenges faced as a motivation to do better. There are plenty of opportunities in the business arena, and you should gain foothold of your position. Monitor the market trends closely and increase the business avenues. For working class, you should do your best and focus on your work and do not wear yourself out. Health condition is excellent and you should not runi it by indulging in alcohol and sex.
4th Solar Month (5/5/16 - 4/6/16)
This month, luck changes from prosperous to weak. Luck in work weakens. There will be numerous setbacks which will make you feel disheartened. There will be sound strategies for difficult times but you have to let go of your subjective views and stubbornness, and embrace good suggestions. There is likelihood of robberies. you should guard your wealth and properties closely and make sure all doors and windows are secured. There are also high chance of traffic accidents, so watch out for safety on the roads.
5th Solar Month (5/6/16 - 6/7/16)
This month, fortune has improved. All the ill luck and setbacks have been resolved. Business progress is smooth and revenue is increasing. Through close co-operations within the company, business will be able to gain strong foothold in the field. For working individuals, you will be able to gain superior's recognition for their stellar performance at work. There will be news of promotion and pay increment. Wealth luck is stagnant. There might be a chance for overseas assignment and it will do you good. Be careful on food hygiene.
6th Solar Month (7/7/16 - 6/8/16)
Luck is decling and work progress will be tough. For working individuals, they will be respected as they encounter situations where superiors or peers made things difficult for them. As such, doing less is more and always use soft approach to handle any matters. At the beginning of the month, you should pay attention to lifestyle and food hygiene as you are susceptible to infectious ailments. Concurrently, you have tendency towards romantic affairs. You should get hold of yourself before lust consume you.
7th Solar Month (7/8/16 - 6/9/16)
This month, auspicious stars are shining brightly at you. Fortune have turn for the better. Work progress are smooth. You should explore on new ideas to create breakthroughs. There may be new evolution and unexpected returns. Wealth luck is flourishing. Riches flow in from all directions. Invest wisely and you will be able to gain much more. There is a chance to get to know many people this month. It will be beneficial to your career. Love luck is positive and there will be happy developments within the year.
8th Solar Month (7/9/16 - 7/10/16)
This month, luck changes rapidly from prosperous to gloomy. There will be many sudden obstacles and setbacks that come crashing like the tsunami. Take it as a test and make preparations beforehand and face the situation with firm determination. For the working class, they will face the ever increasing stress. You should take care of your health and do not overwork. As wealth luck is poor, you should not invest. Be mindful of your speech and do not joke too much with your friends or colleagues in case of hurting their feelings.
9th Solar Month (8/10/16 - 6/11/16)
There are many unlucky stars gathering in your life chart this month and it can be problematic. Many of your plans are delayed. For working individuals, they will face with some personnel issues and changes. You should settle these issues swiftly so that situation d onot deteriorate further. At home, you should watch out for the safety of the elderly. Do not allow them to climb in case of injuries due to falls. Make sure all windows and doors are secured to guard against robberies. Do not invest nor gamble this month.
10th Solar Month (7/11/16 - 6/12/16)
Luck is turning positive. Many setbacks have been cleared but work pressure remains. You should focus on managing your business progress. At the same time, you should look into strengthening personnel relations so as to settle people issues earliest possible. For working individuals, they will have to treat their colleagues well and to improve relations through communication so as to boost your career. Lukewarm love relationship may slip into cold war situation. Mainstream income is steady and windfall is non-existence. Do not invest or gamble.
11th Solar Month (7/2/16 - 4/1/17)
Luck is gradually improving and many obstacles are readily resolved. Many business opportunities arise. As such, it is imperative to guard against internal personnel disputes that may become internal strife. Instead, unify and strengthen internal unity towards achieving overall success. Health condition is less ideal and digestive ailments may recur. For love luck, relationships show improvement and more loving. As wealth luck turns positive, it is favorable for diversified investments.
12th Solar Month (5/1/17 - 2/2/17)
This month, luck is flourishing and business activities are increasing at a steady pace with the aid from benefactors. You should be decisive when it comes to making business deals. Do not lose the deals to competitors due to indecisiveness. Wealth flows in from all directors. Be prudent in managing your money and do not spend extravagantly. For those in relationship, they should be forbearing towards others. Love has reached the stage to discuss marriage. Be careful not to catch colds.